It has come to the attention to your tireless authors that one of the DogBloganistas, Audrey herself, may have bowel issues.
No we're not talking about worms or farts (see "Murray" below) but in fact, explosive Cartman-esque aqueous bowel movements.
Your authors were informed of Audrey's incident via our anonymous tip-line, dogblogwatch@gmail.com which you can send any tips you may have on DogBlogs, Dogs featured on DogBlogs, or DogBlog bloggers, and we'll guard your identity.
It would seem that Audrey was visiting with several dogs a few months ago, and caused a near-panic in the Olympia park-scape when instead of dispensing compacted and yet potent dog waste piles, Audrey unleashed a torrent of fecal calamity in the park, frightening all but the most disturbed picnic goers.
We were later informed that after a few days had past, unconfirmed reports tell of another decimation occurring in Audrey's primary residence with her owner/inter-species life mate.
With such a lack of decorum and self restraint (we're told the bathroom facilities were a mere brisk moment's walk away), we wonder just what does Audrey think of her owner, and her owner's social acquaintances, when such performances occur.
Google searches fail to indicate whether or not grinding up immodium tablets or splashing a little pepto-bismol on to some kibbles would have yielded the desired cessation of the diarrhealogical infestation, though we here at DogBlogWatch encourage any affected Dogs and/or DogBloggers to investigate further.
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